Renishaw Reverse Engineering System
Stand alone scanning system, combines output from its scanning probe and axes positions suing the purpose built scan control card. The Tracecut software calculates the surface coordinate data point and a new target position to which the machine should move. Dedicated off-line scanning leaves machine tool free to cut metal. High speed scanning reduces lead times from pattern to finished item/tool. Ability to use extremely small styli (0.3mm) allows the scanning of very fine detail. Magnetic breakaway of stylus provides crash protection for workspace/stylus, non contact laser probe.
Tracecut software
Data capture software. Ability to create an NC program or CAD output. VDA-FS interface enables creation of true CAD surfaces in VDA-FS format. Define planes and align axes, datum functions. set the data capture strategy and parameters, manipulate the captured data, specify the machining strategy, totally independently of the data capture, accurately simulate the generated NC cutting program on screen, thus saving valuable machine prove-out time.